Call for papers is open now!
Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to send in your papers for Translation Forum Russia 2020!
Papers are accepted until 15 May 2020
If you want to apply, please, fill in the form
Translation Forum Russia is the largest annual translation and localization conference in the territory of Russia and CIS.
- Translation specialization, issues of industry self-organization and education.
- Linguistic support as a service of business translation (MLVs, LSPs, etc.).
- Technologies in translation and interpretation.
- Language diversity, languages of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation.
- Ethical issues in working with colleagues and customers;
- Translation cooperation and possible mistakes of startups;
- Ways of building a professional career and opportunities for rapid learning;
- Specialization in translation vs covering all the topics;
- Interpreting evaluation trends;
- Current customers’ requirements for translation;
- Audio-visual translation;
- Working with/through translation agencies and self-employment.
– Section of French, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese languages.
Traditionally, the Forum will focus on customers’ needs.
- Role and place of the translation Department within the Corporation: partner or support link?
- Stories of successes and failures in promoting companies to foreign markets.
- Technical translation vs drafting technical documentation in different languages (technical writing).
- Technologies for the corporate translation department.
- Multilingual marketing.
- The news of the global translation market, new trends in the development of the domestic market;
- The most important events, mergers and acquisitions, international and Russian experience;
- Platform economy in translation: good or evil, forecasts and prospects;
- New in the management of company workflows.
- Technological support of a small translation company;
- Optimization of production costs;
- Marketing and sales;
- Competition as an engine of development and its ethical aspects;
- Translation retail market.
- Modern tools in translation and interpreting;
- Digitalization of translation management processes as an inbuilt tendency (unavoidable trend);
- The reality and prospects of AI in translation;
- IT and investment opportunities in the Republic of Tatarstan.
- Polylinguism as a new trend in education;
- Translation contests in the context of new market needs;
- Training programs and employers’ expectations;
- Rapid learning as a practical task
- Internships in a translation company.
ROUNDTABLES TO DISCUSS THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES: the organization and self-organization of the industry with the participation of public translation associations
In case you want to come up with a topic that is not included here, please contact us. It is your interests that dictate the topics for discussion and your presentations that make the Forum so lively and useful!